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Dayton, OH
United States

Poptek Recs is a simple label with big pop songs.



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XL427 plays Not Much More than Awesome Fest

Andy Ingram

Our friend Joe from THE 1984 DRAFT has invited XL427 to play the Not Much More Than Aweome Again Fest. So on Saturday March 4, XL will again play live at The Yellow Cab Tavern in Dayton, Ohio. While the band continue to ready their new album for release, they will be playing as many of those new songs as they can pull-off in a live setting.

Here are the others playing this two-day festival: THE 1984 DRAFT. HEYMARKET RIOT. FORAGE. SMUG BROTHERS. KILL SURF CITY. BLIND RAGE. PRIMITIVES. TENDER MERCY. YARDBOSS. ACTUAL FORM. For further information, keep track on the "Dates" page.

A Valentine's Gift from The Florals

Andy Ingram

The lovable duo, The Florals, have a Valentine's gift for you . . .and it's a new song. Tune in today to 99.5 FM WUDR and Your Tuesday Afternoon Alternative as Dr. J premieres "All I Want" from The Florals' forthcoming debut. The show runs 3-6PM EST. "All I Want" is catchy and sweet and appropriate for all you lovers. And for the rest of us, it's just a good song.

If you can't listen live, check back in to and The Florals' Bandcamp page later today to cash in on that gift.

UPDATE: You can now hear the song in our "Albums" tab in the site menu.

The Greek God of Style comments on your Halloween costume

Andy Ingram

Before you commit to that Halloween office party costume idea, you know, that one that paints you in a different light than your co-workers see you. Or that ill-advised one that shows too much skin. Read up on what the Greek God of Style suggests in the most recent "Ask the Greek God of Style".

Thank You with a Joke!

Andy Ingram

Thank you to everyone who joined us to experience "the magic of Communivale™" last Saturday. All of you who showed up were friendly and wonderful. The weather was perfect. The food was too. Okay Lindon released a new record. Carriers impressed everyone. April & June's voices were sweet. The Florals, Jill & Micah, Daniel Dye and the Miller Road Band, Get in the Ark, Wise Words, and L'Albatros all sounded great. Oh, and we created a "Space Pillow™"

If you missed it, you especially missed this joke Brenna delivered to kick off the fest:

"Welcome to Communivale, just make sure you pronounce it right. It's Coe-Moo-Ni-Val, like Carninvale. It only becomes Communivale (Coe-moo-ni-vale) once you've had a few drinks!"

Her joke is still hilarious even days later.

OKAY LINDON premieres "My Spiritual Life"

Andy Ingram

We are excited that we get to release the new album, the fourth full-length, from Cincinnati's OKAY LINDON. "Changes" releases on the day of Communivale. Pre-orders are live now. And you can now listen to the first single, "My Spiritual Life", on OKAY LINDON's page, in our Album links, and on the Poptek Soundcloud. Enjoy.

Plan Your Summer

Andy Ingram

We have a lot going on over the remaining summer months. Plan accordingly!

On Tuesday August 9, Jill & Micah are playing a house show in Columbus with Get in the Ark. Get in touch if you want the details.

On Saturday August 13, Jill & Micah are joining our good friends Daniel Dye and the Miller Road Band at their Madden Road Micro Music Fest. The fest takes place in Mutual, Ohio at their family farm. Many other great artists are playing and it is always such a fun day of music.

Then the following day, on Sunday August 14, Kris N. is playing a solo set at a benefit concert for our friend. The 1984 Draft and Tod Weidner (Shrug, Motel Beds) are also playing this show at the YelloW Cab Tavern in Dayton.

On Wednesday August 17, Jill & Micah are making their live radio debut on CD 102.5 FM in Columbus. They are playing a show that night at The Big Room Bar, of which the first two songs will be broadcast live on air. We are really excited for a bigger audience to hear J&M.

On Saturday September 24, Communivale is back. This is our Poptek-centric, somewhat annual musical picnic. More details will be forthcoming, including the newest artist to join Poptek who will be releasing his solo record that same day.

The Florals have a new EP releasing later this year. XL427 may have a full-length to release as well. And maybe we'll have a few other releases soon. So again, plan accordingly.

"Slowly But Surely" Releases Worldwide Today

Andy Ingram

The debut from the lovable JILL & MICAH, "Slowly But Surely", is available in digital stores everywhere starting today. The volume of epic, melancholy, and melodic songs from this married duo was recorded and produced by Andy Ingram (XL427, Kris N.), mixed and mastered by Brenna Myers (The Florals) and played on by the aforementioned as well as Gigi Palassis (Second Best, The Greek God of Style), Alexander Scaglia (The Florals) and more friends and family.

Buy it now at iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, eMusic, and many more retailers deomestic and overseas.

Stream it now at Apple Music, Spotify, aand here at (under the above "Albums" tab).

And don't forget that if you prefer a copy on disc, order it in the Poptek Shop and we will send it right away.

Join the Poptek Song Club for a Free Song from JILL & MICAH

Andy Ingram

Join the Poptek Song Club, our free, infrequent email list for a gift to celebrate the debut of JILL & MICAH. "Slowly But Surely" comes out worldwide tomorrow so we are giving away the first single from their album "Grew On Me", but only to those who make up the Poptek Song Club. Join at the bottom of any page on (except the blogs, I know. Sorry).

Don Thrasher interviews JILL & MICAH.

Andy Ingram

The legendary writer and musician Don Thrasher (Dayton Daily News, Smug Brothers, Gas Daddy Go Records, Swearing at Motorists) asked a few questions of the cute duo named JILL & MICAH. Read long at the link below. The Dayton release show is Saturday night July 2 at South Park Tavern in Dayton.

Jill & Micah Announce Release Date and Shows.

Andy Ingram

We are excited to announce that the debut from JILL & MICAH "Slowly But Surely" is ready for the world to hear. Disc and Digital pre-orders are ready in the Poptek Shop with orders shipping and downloading now. The album will be available worldwide from your favorite digital store on Friday July 22.

"Slowly But Surely" is a mature debut from two meshing and married personalities. It's novel, cute, sardonic, abstract and direct, sweet and sharp, and pleasant sounding all the way through. The duo, Micah with his troubadour-like voice and Jill with her sweet innocence, lead the songs on guitar, banjo, harmonica, and ukulele. The sound is rounded out by a cast of fellow Poptek players. Andy Ingram (XL427, KRIS N.) produced, recorded, and played drums. Brenna Myers (THE FLORALS) mixed, mastered, and played bass. Gigi Palassis (SECOND BEST, XL427) added guitar with an attitude. Alexander Scaglia even added airgan and accordian. Other friends joined in too on piano, glockenspiel, and stomps.

We will have two local release parties for a chance to pick up the album in person. First up is Saturday July 2 in Dayton, Ohio at South Park Tavern. The full band (Andy on drums, Brenna on bass, Gigi on guitar) will be joing the duo. Our friends JETTY BONES and MICHAEL TOMLINSON are also playing. The pluralized JILL & MICAH are also hosting a release party in Columbus, Ohio on Saturday July 30 at Spacebar. More details to come.

magneticFLUX Show Posters.

Andy Ingram

Poptek's Andy Ingram has been documenting the history of our label, the bands, our friends, and the shows we have hosted by continually silkscreening show posters. We are just now catching up with the new gallery added to

Feel free to peruse many years of what is a painstaking and sloppy artform that is at the same time beautiful and simple.