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Dayton, OH
United States

Poptek Recs is a simple label with big pop songs.



Filtering by Tag: Sale

A (1984) Draft Day Sale

Andy Ingram

To help celebrate the 2021 NFL Draft, our own The 1984 Draft is throwing a sale in the Poptek Shop. Ten buck t-shirts, 15 dollar vinyl and sweatshirts, get in on the sale now and all the proceeds will fund the next album to be released on vinyl. The Draft are already booked to record the new album at the end of May with Fred Vahldiek at Fredzoz Studio.

The NFL Draft and the Draft Day Sale begin on Thursday April 29. The sale prices will last through the weekend or until we realize that our team’s general manager made a series of bad picks and set our team back a decade. Whichever comes first . . .