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Dayton, OH
United States

Poptek Recs is a simple label with big pop songs.

The 1984 Draft "Best Friends Forever" coming in January 2023



The 1984 Draft "Best Friends Forever" coming in January 2023

Andy Ingram

The 1984 Draft have completed their next 11-song full-length record, "Best Friends Forever". The album is currently in queue at the vinyl plant in Canada. Expect the new album to be available on January 19 in the year of 2023.

The band once again recorded with Fred Vahldiek at Fredzoz Studio in Kettering, Ohio, who they first teamed up with for "Destination Breakdown". Vahldiek mixed the record. Chris Common mastered the songs and they can all be classified as hits.

Poptek is happy to be joined by Sell the Heart Records in California and Engineer Records in the UK to release these songs to as wide of an audience as we can reach.