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Dayton, OH
United States

Poptek Recs is a simple label with big pop songs.

"Participation" by Okay Lindon, coming July 12, 2019



"Participation" by Okay Lindon, coming July 12, 2019

Andy Ingram

We get to announce that the new album from the ever inspiring and surprising Okay Lindon releases on July 12, 2019. "Participation" is the suprise in that this fifth full-length from Okay Lindon is Dustin Smith's long-desired reggae album. "Participation" is absolutely beautiful, whether you are a fan of the genre or not. Political, spiritual, contemplative, smooth- it is everything good that reggae and pop music can be.

"A Reason to Play" is the first sngle and can be streamed now from Okay Lindon's page here at

Pre-orders are live in the Poptek Shop.